Designing Your Resilient Homestead: 3 important things to consider

We are existing in one of the most exciting eras to be alive: we have the know-how and technology to build better systems than what currently exist. Because, as many are already aware, our current systems are broken and we are nearing the limit of what the current systems can achieve. But what’s hopeful is that viable solutions exist at every level of society.

For a lot of people, that looks like building a resilient homestead.

And if homesteading is something you’re interested in, here are three of the first things you’ll need to consider, from our article, Designing Your Resilient Homestead:

  • Surround yourself with antifragile systems. First and foremost, surround yourself with antifragile decisions regarding the investment of money, time, and other resources. This will allow you to create opportunities that actually benefit from chaos.
    • Antifragile systems are those that improve with volatility. In contrast, fragile systems break when exposed to volatility.
  • Determine what kind of land and location you need in order for your homestead to be successful and abundant. Before purchasing land or beginning to build on your land, it’s best to determine what kind of land and location you actually need!
  • Determine how your home will be best integrated with the land. This is key to your homestead’s success, because your home should be in a location that capitalizes on the natural elements available.

Cultivating resiliency and antifragility in our ecosystems, housing structures, permacultural practices, and our collective financial outlooks is absolutely key to ensuring a healthy future for ourselves and the land we live on.

And while we may not have control over how others live their lives, we can set ourselves up for wellness and self-sufficiency through establishing a homestead.

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