Regenerative Agriculture

Can Food Systems Go Fossil-Free?

Are fossil-free food systems a reality within our lifetime? Are they even a possibility? These are the questions that were posed on The Great Simplification podcast recently (watching and listening options included).

Meet Two of the Bright and Energetic New Faces of Regenerative Farming

Francesca and Hollie on their Farm. Photo courtesy of Nunwell Farm.
Francesca Cooper and Hollie Fallick of Wales are two bright young minds putting regenerative farming into practice, and their work has been inspiring others worldwide to follow in their footsteps.

Dutch Farmers Get Help Transitioning To Regenerative Practices

Sheep graze at a farm in the Netherlands. Photo by  E Mens.
Farmers in the Netherlands are getting a boost from several partners to help them transition to regenerative practices.

Why Healthy, Happy Livestock Are A Key Part Of Regenerative Agriculture

Photo by  Sasikumar J.
When it comes to regenerative agriculture, animal welfare plays a key part in keeping land healthy

How Smart Cattle Grazing Can Bring Back Native Grasses

Regenerative agriculture has a lot of benefits, and restoring natural, native grasslands is one of the ways to access those benefits: it can help bring the right animals, insects, and nutrients for grazing farm animals back to abundance in the area.

How Science Is Creating New, Regenerative Crop Variations

Perennial plants—those that live for two years or longer—are a staple of modern food. Recently, researchers at The Land Institute have been testing ways to make perennial crops more hardy and regenerative, and they successfully created 14 new wheat variations which are now being tested internationally.

Healing The Soil With Cows

A herd of cows grazes in a field. Photo by Rose D.
Animal agriculture can be a polarizing topic for several reasons. Some concerns about traditional animal farming are its effect on the climate and the welfare of the animals.

Agriculture Of The Future With Ernst Götsch

Agriculture of the future with Ernst Götsch has devoted his life to answering this complex question, and the results are hopeful with his smart planting method.

Meet Syntropic Agriculture

If you haven’t met Regenerative Agriculture’s buddy, Syntropic Agriculture, it’s time to say hello.

Big ideas from the Regenerative Agriculture Summit

Kelly and Danilo at the 5th World team at the Regenerative Agriculture and Food Systems Summit in Chicago.
Members of the 5th World team—Kelly, who leads the Land Regeneration Team, and Danilo, who leads the MRV team recently attended the Regenerative Agriculture and Food Systems Summit in Chicago, USA, to learn about the big ideas that are shaping the future of regenerative agriculture.