
Sweden Speeds Towards Carbon Neutrality

How Peatlands Beat Carbon in Canada

Forests and wetlands near Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada. Photo by Luke Moore.
Rock, Carbon, Peatlands! Awww, sorry, Carbon. You lost! Peatlands are like wetlands - but with a superpower: they have a unique ability to sequester huge amounts of soil carbon.

How Canada’s northern forests sequester more carbon than they emit… usually

Man watches the Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights, in a forest in Northwest Territories, Canada. Photo by Kwan Fung.
The expansive forests of Canada’s Northwest Territories (NWT) are up to something - and it’s remarkable. A report published by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) shows that, for 25 out of the last 30 years, the NWT forests sequestered more carbon than the whole province emitted.

Divers Replant Carbon-Storing Seagrass Fields

Photo by  Mukund Patel.
A new initiative in Northern Germany is teaching citizen divers how to replant seagrass fields, with the goal to “re-green the Baltic Sea,”

Life Underground: Earth’s Hidden Biomass

Photo by  Rina S
When we think about lush forests like the Amazon or the teeming underwater life of coral reefs, it can be hard to believe that so much of the earth’s biomass - around one quarter to one third - exists underground in the dirt.