How This Team Will Restore An Industrial Firth In Scotland

When ongoing human activity has a negative impact on an ecosystem, can simultaneous, targeted human intervention be enough to bring about a healthy balance? The team at Mossy Earth thinks so, and they’ve devised a plan to make it happen.

The problem

In the highlands of Scotland, Cromarty Firth is a hub of industrial activity (cruise ships, oil rigs, and more). Over time, this has led to a struggling underwater ecosystem with:

  • Murky water
  • Little biodiversity
  • Lack of native species

The solution

The plan to revive and transform Cromarty Firth is twofold:

  1. Reintroduce native oyster beds to purify the water
  2. Restore seagrass meadows to create habitats for all kinds of different species

What’s next

The team at Mossy Earth expects to see a drastic change in the future, but the project isn’t yet close to finished. Be sure to watch their included video and then check their Youtube Channel for updates!

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