Out of the grid and into the passive house

Clayton Community Center built with passive building design
Clayton Community Center built with passive building design. Image source: Surrey.ca

With energy costs on the rise around the world, more and more people are looking for ways to be less dependent on external, imported or manufactured energy sources. Some even wish to take themselves off the grid completely.

The solution

Individuals, families and companies alike are turning to more and more to passive building design: a method of designing buildings that uses strategically chosen and placed materials, windows, walls, ventilation and more to collect, store and/or deflect heat and cold as needed which drastically minimizes reliance on manufactured energy sources. Think of it as an intricate greenhouse that’s beautifully designed and comfortable to live in.

Passive buildings work in any climate

What started as the PassivHaus experiment in Germany in the ‘90’s has become a well-known architectural model around the world:

If there’s one thing we know about people, it’s that they’re an innovative species that knows how to adapt when push come to shove, and passive building design is one of those genius pivots that is allowing families, companies, and community buildings to go green and cut costs at the same time.

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