Why New Trees Aren’t Always A Good Thing

Not all forest replants are created equal. Some create thriving, carbon-sequestering ecosystems, while other can be downright disasterous.

As explained by Mossy Earth in the included video, there are 4 main issues that arise with incorrectly replanted forests:

  1. Disruptive replanting methods can release a lot of carbon from the soil which takes ages to draw back down
  2. Incorrect planting methods can block smaller plants from growing or block light, making the forest floor a dead zone
  3. Invasive species can wreck nearby ecosystems and won’t adequately support the growth of native species
  4. Poor location selection can seriously damage local ecosystems.

But the good news is that we already know how to replant forests and regenerate land areas so they boost the local ecosystem and draw down carbon from the atmosphere.

Proven ways to help an area regenerate healthily:

  1. Choose locations that truly need new trees, such as locations that are experiencing heavy erosion or where regrowth is happening far too slowly
  2. Use assisted natural regeneration techniques instead of blanket tree planting to boost local ecosystem functions instead of overpowering them
  3. Plant wild, native plant species
  4. Mimic the local plant species mix

Dig deeper: Once you’ve watched the included video, check out our article about the highly beneficial Miyawaki Tiny Forest method.

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