Why We Need Tree Equity

A tree-lined street. Photo by Craig Vodnik
A tree-lined street. Photo by Craig Vodnik

Good landscaping often increases a property’s value by several percent. And that includes simply having a nice-looking tree or hedge on the property.

Plus, having trees and other greenery in a neighbourhood can have a similar effect and make the area appear more attractive to businesses.

Add to this the many environmental and quality-of-life benefits of filling a neighbourhood with well-thought-out greenery, and the need for more tree-lined streets becomes even more apparent.

Growing Tree Equity in the USA

One organization addresses this head-on: American Forests developed the Tree Equity Score, which measures how well the benefits of urban tree canopy reach those who need them most.

  • Areas are scored from 0 to 100. The lower the score, the greater the need for investment.

Complete with maps that show which areas are most in need, the Tree Equity Score helps promote equality and climate solutions.

  • The score establishes an equity-first standard to guide investment in communities living on low incomes, communities of colour, and all those disproportionately affected by extreme heat, pollution and other environmental hazards.

Watch the video to learn more!

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