Leave It To Beavers And Google To Fix California’s Water Problem

A beaver on a log. Photo by Francesco Ungaro.
California needs more beavers, and Google is helping them figure out where the critters are hiding.

Fixing Wind Turbines Is Environmentalism For Adrenaline Junkies

Wind turbines in Alberta, Canada. Photo by Mahesh Gupta.
What if you could get paid to help the planet in an adrenaline-infused experience every day? Well, this guy found a career that lets him do just that!

How Sustainable Farming is Helping Kenyan Farmers Make Money

New programs are supporting Kenyan farmers in going sustainable. Image from Farm Star and Mercy Corps Ventures.
In Kenya, smallholder farmers produce up to 80% of locally produced food, so supporting them is vital for the health of the country. And several agribusinesses are doing exactly that by taking innovative approaches to buffer farmers' risks, improve profitability for small farms, and maintain food production.

Regeneratively Grown Flour is Now on the Market

Regeneratively grown Climate Blend flour. Image credit: King Arthur Baking Company.
Regeneratively grown flour is on the market! King Arthur Baking Company, a Vermont-based flour and baking goods company, has introduced a new whole wheat flour called Regeneratively-Grown Climate Blend.

The Centralization of American Food Systems

What would the world look like if a country’s food production and access were controlled by only 10 companies? What about five companies? Or just one? This is the reality that the United States is currently grappling with, as discussed in a recent podcast between Joe Rogan and regenerative cattle farmers Will and Jenni Harris.

Learn To Design Your Own Passive Solar Greenhouse

This live, online course from our partners at Verge Permaculture will teach you to design cutting-edge passive solar greenhouses at any scale or level of complexity.

Can Food Systems Go Fossil-Free?

Are fossil-free food systems a reality within our lifetime? Are they even a possibility? These are the questions that were posed on The Great Simplification podcast recently (watching and listening options included).

3 Earth-Friendly Tech Advancements That Came From The Sky

Rendering of a GOES satellite that will help detect thunderstorms more quickly. Image credit: Lockheed Martin.
Scientists around the world are working hard to develop greener tech that can help mitigate environmental changes and protect those who may be vulnerable to extreme weather incidents.

Musicians Band Together for Sustainability

Concerned about the environmental impact of traditional touring, musicians Seth Bye and Chris Roberts of Filkin’s Drift, a musical duo based in Birmingham, UK, walked their 60-day tour along the coast of Wales.

Sweden Tackles High-Tech Plastic Recycling

Electric-powered waste collection vehicle in Sweden. Image credits: Sofia Sabel/imagebank.sweden.se
Sweden’s new high-tech recycling plant can sort more plastic than anywhere else in the world: 1,000 packages per second, adding up to 200,000 metric tons annually.