6 People Boosting Local Food Security by Saving Seeds

Maybe they’re not the flashiest of activities, but the ancient practices of saving seeds and embracing indigenous plants have become global game-changers for food security and biodiversity.

Hempcrete’s Unexpected Building Power

You’ve heard of hemp. You’ve heard of concrete. And now we bring you (drumroll please!)… Hempcrete!

The Surprising Benefits of Eco Corridors

A wildlife bridge over the Trans-Canada Highway near Banff, Alberta. Image used under Creative Commons license from Daveynin.
Many of you have seen those green-covered overpasses stretching across highways to allow animals to safely cross from one side to another. That’s one version of an ecological corridor. But far more than just being a cool animal overpass or pretty spot to relax, there are multiple benefits of ecological corridors in urban spaces.

3 Weirdly Wonderful Discoveries that Could Generate Clean Energy

Lightning over mountains. Photo by Micah Tindell.
The world has long been looking for an alternative to producing energy - something renewable, clean, and readily available. Here are a few unexpected projects that are generating clean energy right now.

Why We Need Tree Equity

A tree-lined street. Photo by Craig Vodnik
Good landscaping often increases a property’s value by several percent. And that includes simply having a nice-looking tree or hedge on the property.

3 Tips For Energy-Efficient Home Heating

A cottage home in Devizes, England. Photo by Ritchie Valens.
For many of us, cold weather has arrived or is right around the corner. Paired with increasing energy and gas prices and a growing awareness about protecting the climate, many are looking for more energy-efficient and eco-friendly ways to heat their home.

3 Ways To Make The Suburbs More Regenerative

A typical North American suburb. Photo by  Michael Tuszynski
Love them or hate them, the suburbs are a fixture of modern life. So, we figure we may as well share our two cents about what we want to see from future suburbia.

What Canada Needs to do to Achieve a Viable Electric Vehicle Grid

An electric car drives through the forest in Canada. Photo by Jp Valery.
Together, Canadians are moving towards the objective of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Two Crypto Projects Funding Regeneration

When you imagine regenerative agriculture, cryptocurrencies* (called crypto for short) and blockchain technology probably aren’t the first things that come to mind.

Meet Two of the Bright and Energetic New Faces of Regenerative Farming

Francesca and Hollie on their Farm. Photo courtesy of Nunwell Farm.
Francesca Cooper and Hollie Fallick of Wales are two bright young minds putting regenerative farming into practice, and their work has been inspiring others worldwide to follow in their footsteps.